Dress Code & Grooming Guidelines

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  • Dress and Grooming
    Leadership Prep School’s uniform policy is to promote an environment focused on excellence and leadership. The wearing of the uniform signifies a commitment to learning and preparation for future professional experiences. Wearing a school uniform encourages students to act as leaders by respecting others (seeing others as they are and not what they wear) and themselves (establishing proper grooming, hygiene, and self-care), reducing distractions in the learning environment, and preparing them to focus academically within their learning community. Students are required to arrive in a proper school uniform every day.

    Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that their students comply with the dress code before the student arrives at school, and each student is responsible for complying with the dress code during school hours and at school-sponsored events. Students must come to school in a uniform that is in good condition and correctly sized.

    As authorized by state law and the LPS charter, students are required to wear uniforms to school. Parents must provide their student(s) with the required uniform, except in the case of educationally disadvantaged students as provided in the Texas Education Code. In that case, LPS will provide a uniform for economically disadvantaged students. A request for school assistance for purchasing uniforms must be made in writing to the Principal and include evidence of the inability to pay. Further details are available in the Principal’s office.

    Regarding extracurricular activities, principals, in cooperation with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of an extracurricular activity, will regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity. Students who violate dress and grooming standards established for such an activity may be removed or excluded from the activity for a period determined by the principal or sponsor and may be subject to other disciplinary action, as specified in the Student Code of Conduct.

    Students who do not follow the school’s guidelines for personal attire and appearance may be subject to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, a parent will be contacted to bring an acceptable change of clothing to school, and the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day until a change of clothes is brought to the school.Leadership Prep School students are expected to dress in a manner that conveys respect for their learning community and communicates a message of personal confidence and pride. The following
    specific guidelines must be adhered to: It is impractical to list every possibility of dress and grooming. The principal of each campus shall apply the dress code and make all final decisions regarding what is acceptable and appropriate considering the age and activities of the students.

    Grooming Guidelines
    Hair – Must be clean, neatly styled, and not obstruct a clear view of the face and eyes. Hair color must be a majority of a natural hair color (3⁄4) and may have minor blended color (up to 1⁄4). Hairstyles that include excessive unnatural coloring, draw undue attention, or disrupt the educational environment are not allowed. Any facial hair must be kept neatly groomed and trimmed. Cosmetics (Grades 5 and up) – If makeup is worn, it must be kept to a moderate and natural color including eye makeup and lip color. Makeup may not be applied during instructional time.

     Head Coverings – no head coverings of any kind are allowed to be worn inside the building. No hats, caps sweatbands, sunglasses, etc. shall be worn inside the school building.
     Jewelry – Earrings are allowed for males and females. Facial piercings may only be studs due to safety reasons. Students may be asked to remove earrings for Athletics/PE classes for safety reasons. Jewelry should not cause a disruption to the learning environment, or the student may
    be asked to remove such items. Administration reserves the right to make the final decision.
     No other embellishments or accessories are allowed. Uniforms may not be embellished with sequins, rhinestones, sparkles, chains, pins, buttons, etc. The only customization allowed will be an embroidered name or monogram in navy, white, black, or gray thread only on the left front
    pocket area of jackets.

    Uniform Guidelines
     Inappropriate, offensive, or disruptive apparel, hairstyles, cosmetics, or jewelry that display gang symbols, use profanity, display products or slogans that promote violence, prejudice, promote any political or cultural opinions or statements, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or sex, materially disrupt the school environment, or create a safety concern are prohibited.
     Clothes must be in good repair and clean. Clothing that is torn, ragged, frayed or pants with holes are not permitted. They should fit and be worn appropriately. Clothing may not be overly tight or oversized.
     Pants must be worn in a proper manner at the waist and hems shall not touch the floor.

     Uniform shirts must be tucked in with the length of shirt being appropriate so that the shirt remains tucked in at all times.
     Appropriate undergarments must be worn at all times.

    Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that their student complies with the dress code before the student arrives at school, and each student is responsible for complying with the dress code during school hours and at school-sponsored events. Students must come to school in a uniform that is in good condition and correctly sized. A parent may be required to bring a change of clothing for any child wearing an item of clothing that the principal finds to be inappropriate or that interferes with the learning environment. Excessive dress code violations will be treated as defiant and disrespectful behavior and may result in a disciplinary referral. Administrative review will be the final decision on all of the above items.

    Uniform Requirements
    To maintain a consistent appearance among students, LPS has selected certain acceptable types of clothing which may be purchased through Academic Outfitters, Wal-Mart, Target, Old Navy, Land’s End, JCPenney, or a variety of other sources. Please see the Academic Outfitters information and pictures on our website to see approved styles even if you don’t purchase through them.